Sunday, January 13, 2013

a piece of sky

looking back through some of my nice pics I took not so long ago.

Here's one. Sunrise from our bedroom window, June 17, 2010. 5:03 AM

and this one was taken on a clear afternoon while taking a break from playing volleyball (it was during the 2nd semester of my 2nd year in college). 

hoping to take more pics like them :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

sock it to me 2013!

oh yeah... it's a new year and before we start our 2013 post, let me put some of the best stuff that happened to your girl Patty for the whole of 2012:

the final curtain call in college:

a wedding:

the first of many reunions to come:

my first time at work (trainee Patty):

and meeting up with fellow Westlife fans:

not to mention capping off 2012 with eating and music all night.

that's all of 2012 for me... and before I go posting for 2013, I'll do a little performance here *suddenly transforms into Sir Paul McCartney then starts to sing 'Hey Jude'*: